I spied her in the living room getting a mailing ready to send out. She looked so methodical - counting out a bunch of brochures and lining everything up into super-organized piles. Then she took a little break and went upstairs.
It was my chance! I knew Heather wouldn't let me help out if I asked, so I decided to intervene: I jumped on all the piles to mix them up so they'd look fun! I took a running start and jumped into the middle of the piles and slid all the way to the other side of the room. I repeated it many times because, heck, it was a lot of fun!
I waited expectantly for Heather to survey my handiwork. When she came downstairs she took one look at the chaos and burst out laughing. See! I knew I could destress her! I added a few more jumping-slide moves so Heather could see me in action.
(Photo: Me, helping out like a good kitty.)
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