Thursday, January 27, 2011

Breaking News!

OK, that was just to grab your attention. But this is a big deal, so I want everyone to know:

The Kitsap Humane Society is giving their kitty room a big upgrade! The new cattery allows the kitties to socialize and move around more. There's even a new ventilation system to disperse the ammonia aroma.

I just happened to stumble across the upgrade while I was helping Heather do research for work. We were searching for more information on the annual run the shelter puts on in and the news was on the front page of their site. The run, by the way, is on May 21st this year in Bremerton in case you're looking for an excuse to support the animals and get some exercise. Me, I'll just get Scruffy to chase me around the house!

(Photo: Mungo eagerly awaits your visit to the shelter.)

Read more:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lending a helping hand - or paw, in this case!

Normally Scruffy Gray sleeps right through the afternoon, but for some reason, he decided to wake up and help with the grocery shopping today. Here he is inspecting the bags' contents to make sure Heather purchased quality goods.
We're such good little helpers!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy new year, humans! Now it's time to stop celebrating and get back to the routine.

Hope you made those new year's resolutions. Oh, you didn't? I can offer you a few...

  • Love your kitties
  • Make sure you stock your kitties toys with all new catnip
  • Play with your kitties

Happy new year from Giuseppe and Scruffy!