Thursday, September 24, 2009

the Virginia Saga

Where do I begin? Craig and Heather disappeared for the week and left Heather's mom, Virginia, in their place. She was supposed to stay at the house, feed us and play with us. But a few hours after they left, Virginia fell in the neighborhood and broke her arm.

She ended up in the ER and then had to have surgery on her arm yesterday. So here we are taking care of Virginia. Scruffy's been cleaning the house and I've been running around trying to entertain her and keep her spirits up.

Of course, we are counting down the minutes till Heather and Craig return... Get better soon, Virginia! And Craig and Heather - come back soon!!!

(Photo: Virginia enjoying her tour at the Aplets and Coplets factory in Cashmere.)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mutts Turns 15!

Can you believe it? Fifteen years of Mutts! Of course, I, Giuseppe Gattino, have only been around for one year so fifteen sounds super old to a young, spry kitty like me.

I love wintertime when Heather and I curl up on the couch and we read Mutts comic books. I love Shtinky Puddin' the best but Crabby is pretty funny too. Check out Mutts Comics and the cast of characters at

Congratulations, Patrick McDowell! And thank you for your help in finding me my home! The strip above is what started it all.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Banana Bread Caper

I've returned, which means, of course, that Craig has left for another trip. On the bad side, I always miss Craig desperately when he's away. He gives me the best 4 a.m. belly rubs a kitty could ever wish for.

But, on the up side, I get to use my computer again! For those of you who didn't hear, Craig's computer passed away last week and Craig has been borrowing mine (OK, Heather's), which has left me without a means to post.

(Photo: The evidence, just waiting to be eaten.)

So where do I start? well, really, Friday was the most exciting day so I'll start there. Oh, did Heather ever get into trouble that day! Someone gave Heather a slice of homemade banana bread and Heather left it on the dining room table. Come on, you can't leave food on the table and think that a curious kitty (or two) won't check it out. So Heather was upstairs in her office, hard at work, when Craig came upstairs to yell at her. "Why did you leave plastic wrap on the living rooms floor? I can't believe you were eating in the living room!" (A big no-no in this house.) I hid quietly, hoping no one would notice me. He then went on about how there was a piece of half eaten banana bread lying on the table. At some point, they realized that it was me, but Heather still took the brunt of the blame. I would have finished the bread, but it was right after breakfast and I was still full.

Then, Heather was quietly eating lunch and Craig came into the kitchen to chastise her for leaving raspberry stains all over the counter. (A local farmer had just dropped by a bunch of raspberries and they were still sitting in a cardboard box on the counter.) But the stains continued onto the windowsill - and they were in the shape of paw prints! And there were a few smashed berries in the box. Heather and Craig both got a good laugh out of that, at least once Craig realized that Scruffers had not tracked raspberries onto the carpet. (Don't forget Scruffers - no food in the living room!)

So Friday was a lively day at my house! OK, I'd catch you up more, but it's time for my midday nap.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Giuseppe Gets his Groove Back

Darn it. I just can't get any work done today. In case you were wondering why I haven't been writing, well, I'll explain. Sigh.

Craig was gone for most of last week and that always puts Scruffers and I in a funk. We get worried. We're kitties. We need stability, routine. We kitties thrive on routine. And then on top of that Heather suddenly disappeared on Saturday with packed bags. And we didn't know what was going to happen. (Remember how we love routine?) So we were too depressed to do much of anything Saturday and Sunday. We just slept and waited for them to come home. And waited...

And then they finally returned late Sunday night and that's when we got our groove back: "Yay! They didn't abandon us!" And Monday morning I was full of piss and vinegar and ready to write and that's when Craig announced that his computer crashed. And he needed to use mine. So I've got my groove back and I'm all raring to write and now I have no computer. (Right now I'm using Heather's work computer while she's away at lunch.) So I guess I'll have to spend the day playing with Scruffers.

It's a tough life - forced to play. Well, shoot. Someone's gotta do it! Watch out Scruffers - ready or not, here I come!

(Photo: Yay! Craig's home! - Shot by kitty lover Karen Sykes.)