Thursday, May 28, 2009

Surprise Hissy Fit

I stare at the door where Scruffy Grey hides every day hoping to catch a glimpse of him. And today I did. After being locked in Heather and Craig's room for what felt like forever, I found a way out. Heather had opened the door to lure Scruffers back to his sanctuary when I made a run for it. Ta-da! I'm outta here!
But then Heather called out to Craig and they both came running after me. I shot downstairs with them right on my heels and went straight for my food bowl. But where my food bowl normally lies was a kitty instead. Scruffy was lying by the side door enjoying the sun. Well, until I showed up. I ran through the living room and as I headed over to Scruffers he stood up and began hissing at me. At me! Can you believe it? And then he let out a deep-throated growl.
Well, it was enough to make me run back into the living room, that's for sure! I took one more shot at the dining room but Scruffers wouldn't let up with his growling. So I made a beeline for the stairs and went back into the bedroom. And waited. And waited... Come on guys - it's been long enough. Heather was nice enough to bring up some food and water for me, but I should be able to walk through my own house and get it myself.
Scruffers - I just want to meet you. Can't we be friends?
(Photo: Scruffy Grey looking deceivingly innocent and friendly.)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Sis!

Did I mention it was also my sister's birthday too? That's Pixie - the one who doesn't know (yet) that she's going to get it. She's celebrating her first birthday just like me. Of course, she has to celebrate her birthday outside now that she's an outside kitty.
I would be jealous but she's a short-hair and can handle the heat we've had over Memorial Day weekend. Me - just sitting out in the sun for a minute makes me swelter in my long Maine Coon coat.
Happy birthday, sis! I hope you caught lots of bugs and got a fresh catnip toy!
(Photo courtesy of my wonderful caretaker, Cynthia.)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Buon Compleanno!

Happy birthday, Craig! And guess what? It's my birthday too! Well, Craig and I don't really share the same day, but I was born in mid-May and I love Craig - so I've decided that Craig and I can share the same birthday! Why? Cause I said so!
Craig - I can't wait for you to come home so we can celebrate our birthdays together! I'm turning one year. And Craig - hmm, I don't know how old he is. People age doesn't really make a lot of sense to me. He's just Craig - the birthday boy who gives me belly rubs at 4 a.m. and who walks me around the neighborhood.
What do you think: A tuna-flavored birthday cake for us to share? No? You want me to have the whole thing for myself? See, that's why I love my daddy!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Coming and Going: everyone but me, that is

Where's the order around here? Kitties like routine. It makes us feel safe and loved.

Craig left Friday morning and hasn't returned and Heather's mom came up for a visit and hasn't left. Heather and her mom have been out and about and we never know when they'll be home. Even Scruffy was gone for a while on Saturday (though I don't envy him 'cause I know he was visiting the vet. Better you than me, Scruffers!)

Sigh. At least I'm still getting my nightly belly rub. It's not coming from Craig, but Heather will do. And I'm still locked out of Scruffer's room, so some things haven't changed.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Who Dares Interrupt my Nap?

Excuse me, but whoever is mowing their lawn right now, would you please stop? It's almost 3 p.m. and that is the perfect time for kitties everywhere to be napping by the window on a sunny Friday. So why would you think about ruining our beauty sleep?

How can I wake Heather and Craig at 5 a.m. if I don't get a nice long pre-dinner nap in? I'll be behind in my sleep all evening!

Plus, the birds don't like to hang around as much when you're making all that noise with the mower. So enough already!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Office Assistant Position: currently open

Maybe someday Scruffers will be my office assistant. Will we ever get along, Scruffy Gray?

Your duties will include filling out and filing paperwork, distracting Craig and Heather at my request, and answering the phone. But you have to do it all without hissing, Scruffers. It doesn't look good when you act like Polly Pissy-Pants, especially to me, King of the House.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Accident

OK, so I got into trouble. It's not like I meant to do it. Here I was, on a Sunday afternoon, helping Craig and Heather with the housework. Craig got a dresser and so they lugged it upstairs. I wasn't allowed to help with that but once it was in place they let me check it out.
It's a nice dresser - made out of cherry. Great solid wood! It goes well with the furniture in the bedroom. (OK, the bed. There's not a lot of furniture in the bedroom.)
I was sitting on it, nicely - with my tail curled around me, when Craig came in to look for me. Heather and I thought it was pretty funny that he walked right past me and didn't see me. But then he turned, suddenly, and it scared me. So I jumped. But not until after I skidded along the dresser, leaving a long deep scratch along the surface. Craig wouldn't talk to me for hours.
I didn't mean to scratch it. If you had long toenails that you used for climbing and you walked around barefoot all day you'd accidentally scratch things too. Sorry, Craig! Please don't declaw me!
(Photo: Giuseppe inspecting whether the sink needs to be cleaned.)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Afternoon Snooze

You weren't thinking about interrupting my nap, were you? Here I am enjoying the afternoon in my fleece snuggle bed.

I have to recharge my batteries before I start my next round of galloping through the house. You know how exhausting that can be! Craig rearranged the furniture in the living room this morning so I've needed to run around and check it all out.

Time to get some shut-eye!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Chance Encounter

Ah, yes, you have caught me while I was catching up on some paperwork. What? You want to ask me about Scruffy Gray? Sigh.

OK, if you insist. On Monday I heard the door to Heather's office open. Must have been the wind - plus someone didn't shut the door all the way. So I snuck in to check Scruffers out while he was curled up in his snuggle bed.

It was mid-afternoon, which is when he likes to sleep (really he likes to sleep all the time), and he was in a deep sleep when I tiptoed in. I sat about two feet in front of his little bed and just stared. He opened his eyes and stared back, but didn't move. And we just sat that way and checked each other out.

Then Heather came in and shouted for Craig to come look and Scruffers got all worked up. He stood up a little in his bed and I snuck around to sniff his behind (come on, when will I ever get to meet him properly?) when Heather scooped me up and carried me out of the room. Darn! Foiled again!

He didn't hiss at me today so that's a plus. Maybe someday he'll get to come out and play with me... I'm still hoping!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Green-Eyed Monster

Hiss. That's all I have to say. Do you realize that Craig locked me up in a room so he could let Scruffy Gray have the run of the house and so they could nap together?
Whatever. I'll just nap in my little fleece snuggle bed, alone.