Monday, June 28, 2010


Today was supposed to be a special treat day. Scruffy and I needed a treat, not kitty treats, like we get whenever we do something special or look cute, but a REAL treat.

Why? I think Heather realizes how hard this gray weather has been on us too. We might live inside, but us kitties know when it's gray and depressing weather outside too. We see it in the lack of sunny spots to bask in, we sense it in the humans around us. The weather is getting to everyone, no doubt.

But where was I? Treats! So Heather was making herself a little lunch and dropped a bit of tuna on the kitchen floor. It might not have made a sound, but Scruffy can hear a drop of food hit the ground anywhere in a five mile radius, I kid you not. His head whipped around and he stared at Heather, hoping, praying that for the first time since he's lived here that she would allow him a tiny bit of tuna. And she did! She took the dropped piece of tuna over to him (and walked right past me without even noticing) and he almost ate her finger in his rush to devour the tuna.

So Heather decided I was next. She took a big chunk of tuna, stuck it on her finger, and brought it over to me. I sniffed and walked away. So she placed it in a small cup, knowing that I will not, under any circumstances, lower myself to eat out of a human's hand. And I walked back over, sniffed the cup and attempted to bury it. And that's when she got it: I don't like fish! I don't know how many times I have tried to bury the salmon and tuna dinners she places in front of me, but Heather has never understood that I am just not a fish kitty. Finicky, yes. Fishy, no.
Hopefully that means she'll start buying more of those tasty chicken treats instead... Have you figured it out yet, Heather? And maybe roast a fresh chicken and drop a piece or two on the ground... A kitty can hope!

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