Thursday, February 11, 2010

The ultimate kitty betrayal

How could it be? I thought we were kitty friends. Best kitty friends (BKF!), in fact. But then, I spotted it - the ultimate betrayal.
Sure, I know I like to drop dookies in Scruffy's kitty box. And he does it to me too. It's just part of the game we call "Turd Wars." But this, dios mio, was downright mean.
Ok, ok, get to the point Giuseppe Gattino. I went to lie down in my fleece snuggle bed and, gasp, someone was already in it. In MY snuggle bed. Scruffy - how could you?
I tried to alert Heather, but she thought Scruffy was missing. She and Craig searched all over the house for him while I stood by their bed meowing my complaint. Finally, Heather looked under the bed and saw a strange sight. Something gray sticking its head out of my snuggle bed. And then - it gets worse! - she started laughing. Ooh, that just made me even more angry.
After a good laugh, and some photos, Craig pulled out the treats to entice Scruffy to get out of my bed. They tried to offer us both treats but I refused. No way. You can't buy your way out of this one. I waved my tail in annoyance and stomped off to Heather's office. When Heather followed me in and brought in those stupid treats I showed her what I thought and tried to bury them in the carpet. Take that, Heather!
But I can't hold a grudge for long. Heather got me some of my favorite treats and brought them to the windowsill where only I could eat them. I enjoyed them and then, when Heather wasn't looking, I ate the discarded treats that Heather threw in Scruffy's bowl. And now that I'm full, it's time for a little kitty nap. But maybe on my throne, since my bed still smells like Scruffy.

1 comment:

  1. ROFLMAO! Sorry to laugh Giuseppe- you're totally in the right on this one!
